This is rather tough... |
March 28, 2016 |
Anonymous Person from Somewhere in WA state
I deeply appreciate the Celebrity Archives for the documents I sought. As admin of an Anissa Jones fan page, people come through on occasion and say some injurious, insulting things; having this info quickly straightens out matters. I give 5 stars to CA for availability, stellar service & speed. Second-to-none.
I received two extra documents I didn't expect, not specifically labelled in the packet description: Anissa's toxicology & autopsy reports. I knew there'd be a coroner's report & death certificate, but the other 2 docs came as a shock. It's over now and I'm moving on...but the content of those 2 docs will never be released by myself. Ever. It's too heartbreaking. I've half a mind to burn the toxicology/autopsy reports, but better yet...I'll black out the tech stuff. Some of it will survive the marker, most of it won't.
All in all, I appreciate you having the documents I did seek. Very professional, very fast. I recommend it to anyone. Thank you.
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